Transition a project from Installer-version to Custom-version

I created a project using the Installer-version of the UE4 Editor. Now, when I am attempting to use the editor compiled from source it won’t open any of the projects (mine or content examples) because it complains about not being able to find the game module. I assume this is some sort of path issue. Is there some way to register the source code version as the installed version? For example, the explorer context-menu of ‘Generate Visual Studio Files’ only works for the installer version. How do I get it to show up for the source code compiled version?

Finally figured it out. Here’s what you do. Run the DOS command-line with administrator privileges. Then, CD into the directory under your github repo that has \Engine\Build\BatchFiles. Then run RegisterShellCommands.bat.

Running that will make it so that when you right-click on a .uproject file and click “Generate Visual Studio projects”, it will create a .sln that is set up to use the editor under your source code directory instead of the installed one. So, do this for your project’s .uproject file.

Then, open up the .sln for your project and Build it with the Development Editor/Win64 configuration. Press F5. Voila.


Congrats on figuring this out and thanks for sharing your solution with the Community!
