Root Motion Character Movement

Hey guys, so obviously UE4.6 added universal root motion (I’m actually on the engine build master branch, current to today).

I’m looking for a way to use my previously created walk and run animations with UE4, but those animations use root motion. I’m creating an FPS, and these animations are for the other characters and bots. Unfortunately the pawn just floats around when the animations aren’t working, and when they are working, they play overtop of the pawn movement not affecting it at all. I have the animations correctly setup in the blend-space similar to ShooterGame with direction and speed inputs, but unfortunately those two inputs only exist when the character is already moving.

Does the problem lie with the fact those inputs aren’t working properly, or that locomotion can’t be overridden with root motion.

Hi Holymac,

I see you wrote, “I’m looking for a way to use my previously created walk and run animations with UE4, but those animations use root motion…” You can create duplicates of those animations with “enable root motion” un-checked (disabled in the individual animations themselves) with “Root Motion from Everything” selected in the AnimBlueprint.

If this doesn’t address your issue please provide step by step repro steps and I will investigate further.


Hi Holymac,

I have not heard back from you in a few days, so I am marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing a problem with root motion, please respond to this message with the requested information and I will offer further assistance.
