Terrain Painting is not compiling all the shaders leaving a grey terrain tile

So I set up a master material function that defines my base material using layer mast from WM. I put this into a layer material that defines my painting layers. I add the info but off the back the only shader that pains is the top grass layer. I try the suggestion from another post that states to paint a layer and wait for the compiler but this only works for 3 of the 8 layers. I am left with a grey terrain tile that won’t return with the material painted on it.

Base Material


Terrain Paint with Grey area:

Hi ,

How many textures do you have in your landscape material? Currently the limit is 16 for each section. However, you can increase this to 128 by using the texture wrapping option. If you click on each texture that you want to use in the texture, there is a dropdown menu called “Sampler Source”. Change this to either shared: clamped or shared: wrapped.

Does this count duplicates? IE if my layer material function is also included in a material layer?

Hi ,

No, duplicates of the same texture all count as the same texture. Is it counting multiple times for you?

Its hard to determine. I have a master texture that I was using before. That worked by it self. I just took that and plaed it into a material function and then added in paint-able layers, in the paintable layers there are only 2 new textures that were not used in the original. I will try to KIS and add one new layer to the base and see if i have any issues.

I removed all duplicates and just added one new material layer and it worked. Though the bug is still here where the entire tile is painted with that material after the shader compiles. That you for that tip sir I will try to think of a better way to touch-up my base materials with the material layers and keep everything in the 16 range.

this worked for me as well ue4 4.22