My UMG Inventory Crash when open Editor

I used UE4.6

I followed all the videos from Unreal Engine Channel and my Inventory works fine…but when I exit the editor and open again…the slots I created in a second Blueprint Widget always crash. The image below show the part where the bug occur:

The solution I found is replace all slots inside the Uniform Grid Painel…the bug vanish while the editor is open…but when I close the editor and open again the problem returns!

I created new projects and all have the same problem! I can’t run my game because of that! Help!!

Thanks :smiley: I will try the first solution…I don’t get the circular dependencies…let’s see if is that : I have a lot of actions in my Blueprint Widget that depends from another widget and because of that my system crashes?

yeah. ideally, none of your widgets should know anything about any other widget.

No…the problem isn’t the names…maybe is circular dependencies…but how i fix it?

Hey had some issues with UMG as well.
I found that checking if the Owning Player Controller “Is Local Player Controller”
if you are doing anything multiplayer game is a must.

Also are you using the “Clear Children Node” for the slot or grid some where?
Using the Clear Children Node makes my game crash.

No…I’m not making multiplayer game…and all I did in my inventory was the same result from Youtube Tutorials from Unreal Engine Channel

Hello Sand,

I have a few questions for you that will help narrow down the issue that you are having.

Quick questions:

  1. Are any of your widget referencing other widgets?
  2. Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
  3. Can you provide a detailed list of steps on how to reproduce this issue?
  4. Can you provide screen shots of the blueprints involved in the error?
  1. Yes, I using other widget in my Inventory Widget…just like the the Inventory Tutorial in Unreal Engine Channel on Youtube

  2. The problem persist

  3. After adding five or more child widgets inside a uniform grid painel I create array with these widgets and using a lot of For each Loop to create my inventory actions. When I close the editor and open it again…all my widget reference get a REINST and lost their reference.

  4. The only error is the REINS in Child Widget Reference and I already post the screenshot in the description of question…The problem is just when I create a Custom Event and make a array with that…close the editor…and open it again.

Hello Sand,

I believe that this issue is due to circular logic with in your widgets. If this is the case then the engine is working as intended. However, I would be more than happy to take a closer look at the issue if you would like to provide the project that is having the issue.

No problem :smiley:

I will upload in MEGA in a few hours…my internet isn’t very good :frowning:

MEGA LINK Inventory Project

Hello Sand,

I downloaded your project and I did not see the widget blueprint that was shown in your original post. I was wondering if it was possible that you uploaded the wrong project or perhaps that I am missing something.

That odd…I downloaded and thats right…the Widget for some reason disappeared…but…no problem…I uploaded again

New Inventory Link

Hello Sand,

After looking through you blueprints I found that your issue is cause by circular dependencies. I have a working version of the project you sent me. It appears to be working correctly after the circular dependency problem was fixed. Your Game_Hud_Inventory2 was referencing Inventory_Slots and Inventory Slots was referencing Game_Hud_Inventory2. I moved all of the functionality of Inventory_Slots into Game_Hud_Inventory and with a bit of work was able to get the project to work correctly. I hope this helps get you started on correcting your issue.

Make it a great day