Shooter Game - change bot teams?

Hi! I was wondering if thre is a way to change what team a specific bot is currently playing on during gameplay and in editor using blueprints.

If there is not, any advice on how to accomplish this?

ShooterGame was put together as a C++ sample and back then supplying BP API for ShooterGame-specific functionality was not a priority. We should address that, but until then there’s no BP way to modify AIs’ team numbers.

On the other hand this would be relatively easy to add in C++. Let me know if you’re interested in more details.



Thanks for your reply! I will try and have a look at the c++ code then.

There is one more thing im currently trying to figure out, perhaps you have any ideas? Is there a way of adding or removing weapons from a players inventory, preferably from levelblueprint?


Totally out of my field of expertise, sorry. If you want this answered I suggest you posted this question as a separate thread.