[Build] How can I build a dedicated server?

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to build a dedicated server for my game, but unfortunately, i can’t :frowning:

I followed all steps of this tutorial, but i always have a simple executable of my game, not a server.exe…

I tried this one too, but I’m getting an error when I compile UnrealFrontend.

What am I doing wrong ?

Have you been able to solve your build issue?

I have the same issue atm and don’t know how to get it right.

Nope, unfortunately I did’nt :confused:

What error does Unreal Frontend shows?

This issue. Still searching for it.

Now i just build from in the editor. And create a shortcut of my build.exe.
Change the properties in the target adding: MapName?Listen -server
and then join with a local host ip or whoever ip runs the server.

I’ve finally been able to build my dedicated server, thanks to IanBreeg video tutorial :