Generate VS Files (for a project) doesnt work for me, coming from Beta (even commandline doesn't work)

Dear Friends at Epic,


I am porting a project over from Beta 6

I was always compiling VS files and running in VS 2012.

I never switched to 2013 Express until building

Building the UE4 Engine! (:heart:)

#What I’ve Done

I successfully compiled and ran the engine. (oh my! Thank You Epic! )

PS: Zak did awesome job with the video guide, it was very comforting to watch along the way of this momentus Day

#Test Project

I have successfully compiled and run the Third Person Code Project in PIE

(I love the new animations and the groundspeed of the character, this is very polished! and feels great! :heart: )

#Batch File

I did run this batch file:

as Admin

I have implemented this solution (and I did have to :slight_smile: )


When I click on my Beta6 .uproject, and click Generate VS Files, nothing happens.

Any ideas how I am supposed to recompile my Beta6 project in VS ?

I managed to catch this screenshot, this window opens and closes in about 0.1 seconds

#Love You

I am absolutely astonished at what you have done, Epic!

You have given a great Gift to the World!

Thank You!


#Update 2

I restored the icons by linking the .uproject to the Unreal Engine Launcher, not my compiled version of UE4 ( ! :heart:)

#Generate VS Does Nothing

For both the projects I’ve built that do work, as tests,

and for my beta project,

clicking Generate VS Files does nothing

Any ideas?


Thank you for UE4!

#Git Hub Generate Project Files

I saw Bob Gneu’s command line version and I tried using GenerateProjectFiles from my downloaded UE4 Source.


Intellisense runs, everything seems great…

and then it just closes!

and no .sln is generated!

I am using only VS 2013 now, I uninstalled VS 2012

#7GB Version

I had downloaded the 7 GB regular install, which has a different GenerateProjectFiles,


When I run THIS batch file,

::"E:\VictoryUE4\UnrealEngine-4.0.1-release\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\GenerateProjectFiles.bat" %~dp0\VictoryGame.uproject

"C:\Program Files\Unreal Engine\4.0\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\RocketGenerateProjectFiles.bat" %~dp0\VictoryGame.uproject

I get this message:

#Please Help

Does anyone know what is going on here?

How can I generate the VS files?


, i can only access github right now, so i had same hadache.
Contex menu on project file same is not working for me.
And i did it so:

  1. delete old solution files (.sln and Intermediate\ProjectFiles folder with old files)
  2. looks like you already edited batch file and added pause to RocketGenerateProjectFiles.bat and deleted “echo off”
  3. open commandline (i was opened as admin)
  4. go to you batch dir (for me it was cd D:\Dev\Unreal Engine4\UnrealEngine\Engine\Build\BatchFiles)
  5. run command: RocketGenerateProjectFiles.bat “FULL PATH TO PROJECT FILE”
  6. List item

for me it looked so:
D:\Dev\Unreal Engine4\UnrealEngine\Engine\Build\BatchFiles>RocketGenerateProjectFiles.bat “D:\Dev\Unreal Engine4\Steammancer\Steammancer.uproject”

dont forget to add “” if your path has spaces.
And it generated me file.

BUT! Inside solution tree It still looks like old beta6, and project generated from UE4 editor are looking different.
Also i did not compiled it, because there is so many changes.

So, i am waiting your transition guide from BETA6 to 4.01

… hope it helped

what im doing that works fine, is create the project again. Then copypasting the source code files and content, and then you can generate the project files from the editor itself.

yes, it is the best way i think too.
you forgot about tons of changes in engine)
i am got crazy to find changes and edit it…


So if I am to summarize the experience of Beta users moving to UE4,

it is that we must recreate our projects in UE4,

and also that

Generate VS Files

Right click menu

simply does not work

Is this accurate of all of your experiences, everyone?

#Thanks Victor and H20

For the ideas!

Will try it out when I can!

#Thank You Epic

You are all amazing!


Just a note that this is still entirely unresolved issue

#Why Does this work for Me, coming from Beta?!

Other people report that using Generate VS files works!

Why doesnt it work for me at all?

PS: I even recommended it to people myself and it works for them, but on my machine, coming from the beta, it does nothing

“All I can suggest is biting the bullet and doing a clean install of both your OS and VS2013. Wish I had a better suggestion :(”


Epic we need a fix for this

As you know, I resorted to reinstalling the whole machine in an effort to get VS2013 installed.
I did try under 2012, briefly, but had issues.
All I can suggest is biting the bullet and doing a clean install of both your OS and VS2013.
Wish I had a better suggestion :frowning:

Hey, I got that nvTriStrip message.
Ended up remaking the .Target.cs files based on the C++ First Person template.
Seemed to fix it.

Kris can you clarify this?

My Build target is identical to the new third person build target.cs

can you post your target that fixed it for you?


Hi all, we’ll try and sift through this post to ID the root of the problem. Looks like there’s a couple different issues reported here.

First, I’m assuming this is a problem only with the GitHub version of UE4? Not the binary version? I know this is already done for most folks, but for visitors, please confirm the following…

  • [already done] You don’t have another VS version installed at the same time. If so, please refer to this post (and direct associated issues there).
  • Make sure you have VS 2013 installed. If you have VS 2012, you’ll have to add “-2012” to your generateprojectfiles.bat.
  • Make sure to delete your SLN, Saved and Intermediate folder of your project.
  • Make sure all the other GitHub prereqs and dependencies are installed. See the GitHub readme page:
  • [already done] Run GenerateProjectFiles.bat
  • [already done] Also run RegisterShellCommands as an admin to make sure the uproject file is appropriately registered.

And Vblanco’s post says that copying over source code files and content to a new UE4 project does work?

I’ve forwarded this UDN thread on to our developers. I also wanted to point out that you can edit your post to include any top-of-the-minute updates instead of adding a new reply. Makes it much simpler for folks to read and understand if they’re new to this post.

“First, I’m assuming this is a problem only with the GitHub version of UE4?”

Thanks for the help Leslie!

The problem is with both the Git Hub and the 7GB regular install version.

I made the most progress with the RocketGenerateProjectFiles.bat,

which gives the nv tri strip error:

I currently have both the GitHub and the 7GB regular install version on my computer,

I started with the GitHub version, and the problem has persisted from there.

Thanks Leslie!

PS: I thinned out this post, sorry I was quite tired at the time :slight_smile:

Looks like I spoke too soon.
Fixed it in test one, not the proper one.
I’m in the same boat now - build targets same as first person code, aside from a couple of extra modules (HeadMountedDisplay etc), but no likey generatey solution filesey.

Sending you simpathies


see my additional post by Leslie’s answer

#FeedBack on Copy Paste Method

I am in the process of copy-pasting and compiling a relatively small code base.

For my own project,

I have to say

copy pasting everything is nearly a Project Killer

because, my old project uses the old method of having


And I have about 90 classes that I would have to manually add the related .h to, and separate everything out into folders in a new format.

It is extremely daunting task.

I am hoping an answer will come for this, for the sake of Kris, myself, h20, and many others :slight_smile:

Thank You Epic!

I thought this issue is only with github version, and looks like with binary install all is fine.

, in your screenshot you have more slashes you need in filename. Check my message of how i did it with paths and names.
If you talking that this problem is even with binary version, then i think this can be because next reasons:

  1. BETA should be deleted, maybe it leaves something in registry
  2. Install path. Successfully users talking about install on drive c:\