Best way to rotate an emitter around a pivot?


I’m looking for the best way to have several rotating emitters. Let’s say I want a large central fireball, with several small fireballs orbiting it. I didn’t see a good way to set this up purely in Cascade, and after messing around with it for a while I ended up creating a simple plane with a single joint/bone in maya (offset from the origin/pivot), importing it as a skeletal mesh, and then making a blueprint actor with the mesh, my small fire particle emitting from the socket, and a blueprint to make it rotate. That works fine, but it means I will need to use several of those if I want several small fireballs. I’m thinking there MUST be a better way to do this. Any thoughts?

Hey camelotvfx -

Have you tried using the Orbit Module to give you the effect you are looking for. You should be able to create a Mesh Type emitter for your central fireball and then with a particle sprite or another mesh emitter you can add an orbit module and allow the second emitter in your system to orbit around the central emitter point.


Thank You

Eric Ketchum