Fade in/Out in C++

Is there a way to make a Fade In/Out in C++? I thought matinee would work, but it seems the C++ framework doesn’t handle the matinee from what I’ve seen. But, is there another way to fadein/out using the camera component declared on the character cpp file?


My suggestion is to try and hook into matinee through a Property on your Custom ACharacter or APlayerController object to play Matinee sequences… However I unfortunately cannot find anything on hooking into Matinee through C++, (but I may not have looked hard enough so it may still be an option).

Personally I have a philosophy about building in Unreal Engine 4. That is only your base work should be done in C++. Things like foundation classes such as GameMode, Character, Player Controller, and Base Mechanics and Objects such as Character Stat Calculations and your BasePickup objects. The rest of your game should be in the Editor utilizing Blueprints derived from your Foundation Classes allowing you to leverage things like Matinee much easier as well as prototype functionality by non-programmers who may one day work with you on your game. This approach minimizes the number and complexity of your source files and your blueprints because ideally (ideally but not necessarily realistic) all game objects are derived from objects you created via source and already implement base functionality. Also, while slower than C++, blueprints are still fast, and entire games have been made with them with little performance penalty.

Most importantly this method allows you to do this solution:

Full-Screen Fade In / Fade Out

Matinee is added as a AMatineeActor in to the world

You can also create your custom solution using Tick event

Thanks for both answers guys. This documentation of Unreal is helping me to take out the problem. Thanks again

Guys Im almost done to fix this. Sorry for not being able to write what I want to achieve.
I want to create a Fade effect whenever the player dies, so I created the MatineeActor and I want it to be played when the character dies. So I did this.

#include "Matinee/MatineeActor.h"

This is in the .cpp and with this, you can access all funcs and variables of the class AMatineeActor and now I can create objects with it, then I added:

UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "Death FX")
   class AMatineeActor* DeathFader;

So now with this I can choose the MatineeActor I want to play. In the defaults tab on my Character BP, theres a menu that displays the available MatineeActors, but when I try to choose the specific MatineeActor, I just can’t, I click and click it and the dropbox keeps displaying “None” like if something is wrong. Im sure im missing something, ¿Can you please help?

BTW, Im using UE4.6

I’m using UE4.8 and I’m still getting this error.

If you don’t have AMattineActor on level, you can’t set it in default. in that case use


varable and use it to spawn that mattine

Just in case you guys are still interested, this is quiet a simple solution:

class APlayerController * MyPC = Cast(Controller);
MyPC->ClientSetCameraFade(true, FColor::Black, FVector2D(1.0, 0.0), 10.0);

Should be exactly what you need.