How to change eye height in blueprints?


I´d like to change my characters eye height with blueprint. The screenshot shows my attempt (this is the character blueprint). When pressing “h”, nothing happens. Pressing “z” (as reference) changes the cameras position, so the blueprint as such works. But moving localy is not exactly what I want.

Any hints what is wrong?

Thank you!


You are actually changing the eye height when you hit H but you cant see the change because you are using a camera component in your BP i think? Baseeyeheight sets the height of the camera component that is active by default player controller, so it gets overridden when you use a custom camera. In this case you’ll just need to set the camera location by 20 units in Z axis.

Thank you, changing the camera Position directly worked,

So I´ll interpret the “eye height” as initial value for the camera position.