Why UE4 crashes while starting?

Hi, if I want to launch Unreal Engine 4 crash reporter shows up and says: “following process has crashed: UE4Editor-cmd.exe”. My Graphic cards: “NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M” and “Intel HD Graphics 3000”. I tried it also on another laptop but same error.

Hey Bostrot,

Can you tell us your machine specs and OS version? When does editor crash, when you hit Launch button from Launcher? or do you get to Project Browser? Are you running in dx10 mode? Any details you can provide will help us investigate issue.


hey whats up?
i was having trouble until i saw this post it seems to me like you are using an nvidia optimus graphics card which from my experience picks and chooses what card a given program runs on (integrated or dedicated) so to fix this you have to go into nvidia control panel and force it to run with graphics card. (my files were under C:\Program Files\Unreal Engine\4.0\Engine\Binaries\Win64)

Hi, My OS Version is Windows 7 but I tried it also on Windows 8. CPU: Intel Core i7 2670QM, 2.2GHz Memory: 6GB Computer Model: ASUS K53SK Editor crashes if I click on button Launch on launcher. How can I activate dx10 mode? Thanks

More information on workaround is located in this link: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/13735/ue4editor-cmdexe-crashed-after-launch.html

Bostrot, please let us know if this resolves your issue.

I had same issue. It’s because Intel 3000 HD integrated graphics doesn’t support certain optional features of DirectX 11.

To fix it and get editor running on Intel 3000 HD, comment out following section of code:


//if (InUsage & BUF_UnorderedAccess)
//	Desc.BindFlags |= D3D11_BIND_UNORDERED_ACCESS;

//	static bool bRequiresRawView = (GRHIFeatureLevel < ERHIFeatureLevel::SM5);
//	if (bRequiresRawView)
//	{
//	}

I haven’t fully tested this, but since it’s used for GPU particle simulation, you can probably safely assume that that won’t work.

NOTE: Once I got it all working, it runs at 2 FPS. So probably still best to use a different computer.