Global Pause Event not firing

I have a XBox controller connected to the computer to test a gamepad. The Sticks along with the buttons work, except for the pause button. I have the Global Pause connected to a Print node, but it never fires. Other connections print to the same print node just fine (e.g. the right trigger). Is this a bug? Or am I doing something wrong?


It sounds like you’re trying to use the Start button on the controller as a pause button. If this is correct then rather than using the Global Pause you would want to use “Gamepad Special Right.” Another thing to note is you may want to create an action mapping for this. In the Edit->Project Settings menu under Input you can add a new action mapping called “Pause” and set the buttons for it there. Then in your blueprint you can call the event “Pause” directly. This is helpful if you want to setup up multiple control settings (keyboard & mouse as well as XBox controller).


Thank you very much! That was confusing :-).

Hey !

Do you mean that gamepad events “Global Play” and “Global Back” not firing by gamepad buttons “Play” and “Back”, but “Gamepad Special Right” and “Gamepad Special Left” events should be used instead?

What about all this “Global” events? Which case it should be used?


Hey -

Yes, “Gamepad Special Right” and “Gamepad Special Left” are meant to be used with the Start and Back buttons on the controller. The “Global” input settings represent the global XBox One speech commands.