[4.6.0] New .sln's default to Debug Win32 instead of Development Editor x64

Dear Epic,

As of 4.6 new .sln files have reverted from Development_Editor x64

to Debug Win32

Now who is going to be using Debug Win32 as their main development build?!

#Fixed from the Beta At My Request

During the Beta I had asked this to be fixed, and it was,

now I must ask again, for the sake of new users who dont understand why they build their game and changes dont show up in the Editor,

to please go back to

Development_Editor x64


Just to be clear, I am talking about the .sln files that get generated when you right click on uproject and say “Generate VS Files”

This sln is not using the correct build settings for what most people need/wont know how to fix if they are new to UE4!


I’ll second this statement - I spent 20 minutes today trying to figure out why I was getting wierd build issues and finally realized that one of the billion options in VS 2013 was set to this crazy default.

Does anyone use 32 bit anymore?

Hi ,

I ran some tests using projects from versions 4.6.0 and 4.6.1, and I did not see the solution configurations and platforms changing from Development Editor and Win64 to Debug and Win32. Just to make sure, I also created a new project in 4.5.1 and upgraded it to 4.6.0 and then 4.6.1, and still did not see anything changing. Does this happen for you in every project when you right-click on the .uproject file and select the Generate Visual Studio project files option?

Thank you for taking the time !

I was experiencing the issue quite intensely while working on several clients’ projects, however I am not able to reproduce the issue in my custom build of 4.6.0 or release 4.6.1 at the moment.

As soon as I get some repro steps going I will let you know!

Thanks again!

I’ll mark this as resolved for now, but please let me know if you can find any additional information about this issue.

Dear ,

Hi there!

I did just see this issue again


here are the repro steps

  1. Download Github Zip file
  2. Install 4.6.1 Github engine using Setup.bat
  3. Then take an existing project, and choose “Switch Engine Version” and select the github build.

I just did these steps with a client and the .sln that was generated via the above steps defaulted to Debug Win32

Any way to make this go to Development Editor 64 ?


Thank you for the additional information. I looked into this again today, and was able to see the results that you described. However, it only happened for me when I was upgrading a project that had been created in the binary version of the Engine, and was upgraded to the 4.6.1 source code version of the Engine. Could you confirm that matches what you were seeing as well?

Hi ,

Sorry for the delay on this post, I lost track of it. I went ahead and put in a ticket to investigate the results that I saw, which were when upgrading a binary project to a higher version of the Engine built from source code (UE-10996). Upgrading a source code project to a higher version of the Engine built from source code did not seem to have any problems, and converting a binary project to the same version of the Engine built from source code also did not have any problems. Please let us know if you have seen this happening in any other circumstances.