More subscription/fee questions

  1. Is it possible to renew subscription later, after cancelling it? If yes, will I need to pay for all monthes spent without subscription?
  2. Will I need to pay anything if I will never release a product? Or if I release completely 100% free product (even no ads, nothing)?


To answer your first question, you will not have back payments for the months spent without subscription however you will need to re-up your subscription again for the month in which you re-subscribe.

To answer your second question, there’s more information on that in the FAQs, but short answer is below:

No royalties are due on the following:

  • Ancillary products, including
    t-shirts, CDs, plushies, action
    figures and books.

The exception is items with embedded data or information, such as QR codes, that affect the operation of the product.

  • Consulting and work-for-hire services
    using the engine.

This applies to architects using the engine to create visualizations as well as consultants receiving a development fee.

  • Linear media, including movies,
    animated films and cartoons
    distributed as video.

  • Cabinet-based arcade games and
    amusement park rides.

  • Truly free games and apps (with no
    associated revenue).

Hope this helps,


That’s it, thank you!