Where is AI documentation?

Hi.I am looking for AI starter in UE4 but can find none.Is there any documentation on the topic?


There isnt a thing yet. Im now working in a proper tutorial about the behaviour system UE4 uses, now that they fixed most of the showstopper problems, its actually usable.

Well,that’s strange.I mean how they expect people writing games without knowing how to tweak AI…

You can code AI directly in C++, the problem is that that is a very WIP feature still, and its not documented at all. For now, you should code your AI directly in C++ and/or blueprints, in a similar way you did in UDK.

That’s the problem.I didn’t touch AI in UE3 as it was badly documented as well.Hoped to get a better docs in this version.Ok,thanks for clarification anyway.

In UE3, I used states and AICommands to do AI. What is the recommended way in UE4 if not with behavior trees? Thanks.

Use Behavior Trees :slight_smile: They’re officially “experimental” but we won’t be changing the core mechanics anymore so anything you create with current version won’t get broken.

Having said that we there’s a simple AI scripting mechanism coming in next month or two that will be useful for setting up AI as well. Not to mention further plans including FSM and HTN implementation (although HTN is a pet project and will take some time to finish).



You’d be surprised how small the AI team behind current AI system was :slight_smile: We decided to do cool tech first and document later instead of doing a super basic stuff with elaborated docs. The up side is the AI code is fully available, so smart community people will find their way around and will help others along the way :slight_smile:

Please don’t take this the wrong way, but there is a difference between being “smart enough” to figure out a large, undocumented code-base, and simply having the time to do it.

I have seen the community come forth with some tutorials (though not many), but most of them (at least the ones I’ve seen) don’t appear to actually know all that much more about the AI system than I do, and while they do create a mostly-functional AI, it is usually pretty unreliable and they often can’t explain why this is the case, which leaves me right back where I started.

The issues they have don’t even appear to be bugs, but rather miscalculations on their part with regards to precisely how the AI actually works.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you should make a textbook of documentation on the AI system, but even a simple summary of the functionality for some of the more commonly used features that explains how the program treats them and so forth would be nice.