How does the Navmesh work?

Hey there,

i want to learn a bit about the Navmesh and the Pathfinding. I watched some tutorials about A* Pathfinding but this is mostly Gridbased. I searched the Documentation for the Navmesh, but i couldn’t find any information about how the AI finds its way. This is somehow important to me, since i want to know what the Navmesh and Pathfinding is already capable of and what i would need to add if i run into problems.

I’m using the 4.6.X Launcher version of the Engine. If there is a link to a video, doc page or something i haven’t found, i would be happy if someone could post it. Also, if i need to look into the Navmesh code, it would be nice if someone could lead me to the right file. I guess i would need to look at the source code on github for this or?

(: Thanks in advance!

The unreal engine is using Detour Recast library for pathfinding:

You can start looking here: Engine\Source\Runtime\Navmesh\

and here: Engine\Source\Runtime\AIModule\Classes\Navigation\

Wow thanks. Didn’t know it uses Detour Recast or better that it is called like that (: Thanks!