UTextRenderComponent issues

I have some UTextRenderComponents attached to an actor with a given relative transform, I’ve noticed that when using a perspective camera (orthographic was fine) the text can either be incorrectly sized or invisible (i’m guessing because its degenerate).

If I re-size the window to some arbitrary values you see the text behaving erratically, sometimes visible sometimes not, sometimes correctly sized sometimes ill proportioned.

I’m using the default font that gets assigned when you create a text render component and i’m on version 4.5.1 of the engine.

Any ideas how I could fix this? I’ve tried turning off anti aliasing however this do not fix the issue.

I would probably provide a video or any other details you need, just let me know!


Hello Maddius,

Any extra information you could provide like pictures or even a video like you mentioned is always helpful. Usually we prefer some steps to follow so we can reproduce the issue internally, as well as some screenshots as a reference.

In the Content Examples level ‘Blueprints_Overview’, the first display provides a good example of the Text Render Component. What they did was create an actor blueprint, assign a sprite component as the root. Then they added a Text Render component and gave it a material font to display.

Text Render Blueprint

Text Render Scripting


Text Render Material

Are you using a similar approach as this one? You mentioned you are attaching the text render component to an actor that has a relative transform. This could be what is causing your text to have the issues you are experiencing.

Let me know if you discover anything new and if you need more help!
