Need to access actor blueprint variable inside of main level blueprint

I have a level with 100+ duplicated blueprints, all of which have unique name variables for level streaming. They are already setup with a public variable, and the names seem to update correctly while debugging to a string, based on selection state.

I’ve attempted most of the communication options (granted I’m very new to them) Interface seems to be the one I want, but can’t seem to get anything out of it.

What is the best option to communicate this single variable back to the level blueprint, to be hooked into a level streaming node?

There is always the option to stream the level within the actor blueprint… but I’ve always found it to be messy streaming levels outside of a level blueprint.

I may not have understood your question correctly. But I am going to assume that you want to access a particular instance of a blueprint inside your level blueprint and access a variable in it.

To do this, while the level blueprint is open in the editor, goto the scene outliner and drag and drop the instance into the level blueprint. Now you can access it from level blueprint.

My goal is to update a variable based off of the selection states of all 100 of my blueprint instances, not just one of them. So each time an overlap event is called, I was attempting to update the variable name within the level blueprint and stream the correspondIng level.

It might just end up being a cleaner solution to do within the actor blueprint itself, since I can call the variable changes directly. I just feel wrong doing it! Is it normal or bad to stream levels outside of a level blueprint?