movie materials dont fill mesh

i cant figure this out but whenever i make a material it dosnt fill the mesh i apply it to

What do the mesh uvs look like? I believe movie textures are treated the same as a normal texture, so uvs need to be with the 0,1 space if you want it to be edge to edge of the mesh. This can also be done in the material itself with texture coordinate node.

I would agree with Tyler’s suggestions. If you can post that information we can help you get this sorted out.


i have no idea what you guys are talking about i have a stressful job at the moment i handle programming, level design, animation, modelling, texturing and matinee. so can you guys please show me what you are looking for

Hi Connor,

Is the mesh in your screenshot above a BSP/Geometry brush created in the editor or is that a custom mesh from your modeling software?


its created using the BSP brush
but also why isnt there a rotation and transform tab in the details panel for BSP Brushes it gets anoying

There are a couple of ways you could go about getting this to work correctly.

Ultimately it comes down to adjusting the UVs to fit the media texture.

With BSP, select the face you want to adjust the UVs for. In the details panel you will find the option for U and V tiling. The default is set to 1.0.

Adjust the following:
U = 4.0
V = 2.0

If you were to use a static mesh you’ll not have access to these settings in the details panel and will have to set it up in the material editor using the texture coordinate node plugged into the UV pin on the back of the texture sample node.

When you select the texture coordinate node you’ll see the options for U and V tiling in the details panel on the left int he material editor.

