The license can be used by other employees right?

im an indie dev and i just started we have a VERY LOW! budget not even 100$ a week and i was wondering just to make sure on the EULA that i can use the license on other computers for other employees. but i realize that this would cut revenue for you guys. but like i said i want to make games i have a very SMALL budget and i dont have enough to buy a license for my 5 employees to work on. so i was wondering if there was like a special case for people in my situation

If you read the EULA where it says that the subscription doesn’t have to be currently active to be able to work on the engine, you just wont get the updates when they come out, such as 4.6 to 4.7. You can get an account for each person and then just suspend all but one. This would help keep you out of the grey area. That’s just an idea.

Its not a loop hole. With many indie developers, they know that people can’t keep up with the $20/ month sometimes. Budgets are small. I myself had to cut my subscription for two months, still worked on my game. They make all there money on the back end of the royalty’s from your game sales, which can end up being thousands more then the subscription. You might want to call unreal and see if they have a monthly indie studios plan that can save you money too if you are really worried about it.

yeah i know this but im trying to not get into trouble and not get sued im not trying to screw anyone over or find any loop holes

alright thanks

Hi there,

Epic staff will likely add in an answer here for you on Monday, but I just wanted to point out one thing a548922 didn’t mention.

While you don’t need an active subscription to use the engine, each person who uses the engine does require a licence. It doesn’t have to be a running subscription to use a single version of the engine, but an initial licence is required for each employee.

I’ll let the Epic staff take it from there and add more details, but keep that in mind. :slight_smile:

and a548922 are both correct. One caveat is that probably everybody on the team wants to be working on the same engine version, to make sure there is content compatibility. So if two team members have not renewed their subscription, they can only use engine version A which they got during their subscription (and can continue using it after the subscription ends). If the third team member maintains a subscription, and gets access to version B, that third team member can use version B, but the other two can’t.

oh okay but this still dosnt answer my original question

Let me know if this still doesn’t answer your question - there are no special exceptions to the license/EULA requirements regardless of team size or budget. Licenses/subscriptions are per person and may not be shared with other individuals, including team members or employees.

The non-AAA UE4 licensing is per-person, not per-installation or per-organization. So if you have five developers who need to use the editor, you need five licenses.

From the EULA:

The Licensed Technology is licensed to you for use by a single User. The User may store the Licensed Technology on any of the User’s computers, but the Licensed Technology cannot be shared with others (including any other employees or agents) except through a permitted Distribution as described above.

alright then thank you for answering my question