UEnum::NumEnums returns one greater than actual Number of Enums

Suppose we have:

In some UObject derived class:

enum class EEnumExample: uint8 {




In some other UClass that includes whatever header EnumExample exists in:
int32 numberOfEnums = 0;

//following the wiki example on UEnums by 
UEnum* EnumPtr = FindObject<UEnum>(ANY_PACKAGE, TEXT("EEnumExample"), true);

numberOfEnums = EnumPtr->NumEnums();

numberOfEnums prints out 2, instead of 1. Is this an off-by-one bug? or am I doing something wrong?

Hi TheCompScientist,

I ran some tests on NumEnums, and there does appear to be a discrepancy between the number returned and the actual number of elements in the enum. I have submitted a report about this to have it investigated further (UE-7199).

I just wanted to provide a quick update on this issue. It actually looks like this is happening by design. For internal Engine purposes, the UnrealHeaderTool adds an additional element to the Enum: EnumName_MAX

You will want to make sure to take this into consideration when counting the number of elements are in an Enum.

Thank you very much , simple fix to make a custom function.