Websockets using blueprints

Using C++ you can reference the websocket lib and get connectivity that way, however I am not proficient in C++ at all. But we currently have a websocket server build using C# and would love to be able to talk to that using the UE4 engine and blueprints. Is that possible using no or minimal C++ programming?

mmm maybe that is posible i actually use c# inside unreal engine but not in a very good way, i use NuGet Gallery | UnmanagedExports 1.2.7, this allow me export unmanaged methods then i use this, my share in the wiki A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums in order to grab this methods and call him from blueprints i archive serial port comunication with this in a very easy way, latter i found a correct way to do this with unreal api, actually i learning about UE sockets before try some like c# sockets… if i found cool solution i share

greetings bro

Yes you can ,use this plugin, you can only write blueprint code to send and receive message,
You can convert message object to json then send out,
When received data, you can convert to message Object
