How do you change a texture's UV tiling?

I feel silly asking this because it should be so redundantly obvious, but how do I change the UV tiling on a texture? Like this:

I have seen suggestions that you multiply the TextureCoordinate node with a Constant2Vector or a ScalarParameter, but all that does is change the scale and not the tiling.


You almost have it.

Try connecting the TextureCoordinate node with an add node.


In my example im adding 0.03 on both U and V. Alternatively you can put a constant2 vector into B.

You magnificent human! That problem was causing me untold misery.

Thank you.

why did you use the add node as opposed to just connecting the texCoord directly to sample?

The add node lets you pan the texture horizontally and vertically. It’s kind of counteractive that it would have that effect, but connecting texture coordinate directly would only let you change the scale of the texture. Unless of course they have changed that in newer versions of the engine.