How to desaturate Skylight

Hello there.

I actualy work on a Day/Night cycle for my game and I saturated the all game by 2 (on a the post process on my Camera) but I need to put a Skylight with normal saturation (divide by 2 then). How I can di this?

My Sky and my Skylight are on a blueprint and I tryied this :

But even if i put 0 on the saturation it still saturated like his on 1. If I set the Saturation by 1 It’s like it’s double (2* more saturated). I tryied to set an negative value but dindt work (only 0 to 1 alowed).

My question is if there a way to desaturate a skylight directly wihtout using a cubemap?

(Sorry for my bad English :))

Hey sutivu -

I have tested your setup in 4.6.1 and it appears to be working fine. I’ve attached my test bed for you to look at and insure that I have setup the skylight as you have. I suspect though you might need to adjust the intensity of the skylight in addition to the Saturation in order to correctly convey the Day and Night cycle.


Thank You

Eric Ketchum

Hi Sutivu,

We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.

Thank you.

Eric Ketchum

Oh I’m sorry, I didnt even notive you respond to my question! Thank’s a lot! Anyway, I end up by just changing the color of the sky itself, that gave me a nice art style with the character saturation :). I tested your project and this worked, so yes, Resolved.

Thank you again for the support.
