Level blueprint, half way throught my level , player inputs and overlap events stop firing in my level blueprint?

Hi there, im making a side scrolling shooter game… 4 months into it. Here is my problem…

Player inputs and overlap events stop firing from within my level blueprint.They stop firing about half way through to the level. It literally happens half way down the level. If i move the trigger volume a half inch to the left is sometimes will fire but if i move it a half inch the right it will not fire. Player inputs will not fire once im past this point. But I can still fire inputs that are within my character past this area. Im using overlap volume boxes to spawn enemies in a matinee And I use the f key to reload the level so i can iterate faster. This could be a 4.6 issue because when i run and older iteration of the game on 4.5 it excepts inputs and overlaps… Im super stuck… thx

Is there a way i can get the game over to you guys at epic to diagnose it?? thx

Ha , solved it. im lame.

I was destroying the level blueprint. I was trying to use the matinee finish controller to kill the matinee after it was over. But on the destroy function i had the target referenced to self. because the level print was destroyed it was not taking inputs of any kind past this point. I targeted them to the correct matinee…

That was the exact same problem I was having!

I was destroying some actors in an array with a ForEachLoop and had forgot to connect the Array Element to the Destroy Actor Target node.

Thank you so much for posting the solution, I believe you’ve saved me a lot of work :slight_smile: