How to boost the vehicle's speed?


I am using the blueprint vehicle template, to make a go-kart racing game. I am laying down boost pads as trigger boxes. I can’t find a way to boost the speed of the vehicle over a limited time. I looked at a few tutorials about speed pick-ups: they suggest to increase the maximum walk speed, but that doesn’t apply to the wheeled vehicle controller.

Could you please help me? I would like to know which variable to alter, to boost the speed for a few seconds please.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Something like this?


It worked! :slight_smile: Ignore my previous comments. Thanks so much ! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the reply. You shouldnt have made a new answer for this comment, though :slight_smile: Please mark my answer as the right one and vote me up (for teh karma)

Have a nice day buddy!

Hey , Well I m new for the UE4, I got the vehicle but i m also looking boost thing for the car, and I got your answer, but didn’t understand yet, so whould you show your full print screen here, where i can understand from where to start and where to end about the boost thing, thanks friend

Hey , Well I m new for the UE4, I got the vehicle but i m also looking boost thing for the car, and I got your answer, but didn’t understand yet, so whould you show your full print screen here, where i can understand from where to start and where to end about the boost thing, thanks friend