Create a Transition Mask between a Vertexblend


I am furiously wondering how to isolate a percentage of the border pixels from a vertex blend between 2 materials.
In the example provided, mat1 (blue) and mat2 (red) are blended based on a mask painted with vertex red.
What I’d like is to have absolute control over the part illustrated between the green lines. Ideally with a slider
that allows me to expand or contract it.

I can figure out how to expand either the red or the blue part by themselves, but how to get a combination of
both seems to be completely beyond my 2 working brain cells :frowning:
I’ve been at this for days now so I’d be eternally grateful if someone could provide a helping hand at this.

Many thanks in advance!

Please smart people, help out poor old Chesire :slight_smile:
I’ll donate you a puppy! Or an Orange? Banana??
Wait, money!! Yes that’s it?
But seriously, my eternal gratitude?!

Hey Chesire -

There is no way to directly call the pixel line generated by the vertex painted masks like you are specifically requesting, however there is a more controllable workflow which would allow you to achieve the same sort of effect. Here is the basic Material setup:

In it, I use the Green Vertex Color to actually paint the breakup transition and the Alpha Vertex Color to control where the transition occurs. This method would require a little more vertex painting but overall will give you complete control over the transition itself. You can also substitute teh green vertex painting with a general breakup texture, if you need that vertex color for another element though you will lose some control.

Our Team is looking forward to our new Puppy :wink:

Eric Ketchum

Hi Eric,

So sorry for the late reply. I went traveling for that puppy but got so distracted by all that cuteness, I’m now contemplating whether or not I’ve missed my true calling for running an animal-shelter.

Thanks for the approach handed above. I’m very reluctant to sacrifice that many vertex-channels though.
Isn’t there an easier way? For instance, would it be possible to nudge/offset a vertexchannel red mask by a couple
of pixels via some slider wizardry? That would already help me a huge amount!

Essentially all I want is to sneak in a 3rd material right in the middle of the other 2 which are running on the initial mask.Again, any help or guidance would be valued above and beyond the call of duty!

Hi -

OK, so I worked out another method but this method is somewhat restrictive in border width. We are looking at using the red vertex channel and playing with some simple math to determine a border width. This method is dependent on the Range Scalar variable which controls the borders width and position. Take note of the clamp set up on Range, going above or below those values will result in losing the third color.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

Eric, I reckon with this you’ve reached a whole new level of awesome.
I searched on Google if such support has ever been documented but no, it has not. Puppies won’t cut it anymore. It’s time for your own fanpage!