How do I package random files?

Now I have my code running on the iPhone I need to get data to it. The data is currently in the form of .json and .csv files.

How do I package these up with the data that is UEditor driven?


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You can add additional directories to stage via your project settings. Go to “Project Settings”, then “Packaging”, and you’ll find “Additional Non-Asset Directories to Package” and “Additional Non-Asset Directories to Copy” under the advanced section.

Which you use depends on whether your files are loaded via the Unreal File System (UFS), or whether they’re loaded via a third-party IO API (including the STL).

  • “Additional Non-Asset Directories to Package” will add the files to your .pak file, which is what you want when you’re using the UFS API.
  • “Additional Non-Asset Directories to Copy” will stage your files individually (outside the .pak file), which is what you want when you’re using a third-party file IO API.

Worked perfectly - knew there would be a straightforward solution!

I would have found it btw if it weren’t “hidden” in the extra features section of packaging. As a nOOb to Unreal I often forget to look there. Also - the advice you give above would make a good addition to:

Anyway - thanks!