Is it possible to read/write constraint parameters from PhAT during runtime

I have a nice PhAT set up on the HeroTPP. Pure Ragdolling works very nice amd physics overall as well with sub-stepping and high iteration count.

Now I want to make a walking robot from this by setting PhAT constraint parameters (swing angle, contraints rotation etc) during runtime. Also a self-balancing ragdoll algorithm is what I am aiming at with this approach.

I did not find any Blueprint functions to get/set PhAT constraint parameters.
Is this possible at all in blueprint/C++ in ue4? When I export the PhAT I can see the contraints and all parameters in any text editor. So the contraints exist as objects.

For example, to give you an idea, I want the PhAT asset in the content examples/Physical Animation to vary its right knee contraint rotation between ±20deg by some algorithm to produce a ‘kicking motion’.

I am on version 4.6.1.

Duplicate Post: Is it possible to read/write constraint parameters from PhAT during runtime - World Creation - Epic Developer Community Forums