How can I open a project through commandline?

Simple question or actually two simple questions, before i open another ticket for the second one.

First question: Is there a way to open up a specific project through the commandline?
Like …Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor.exe -prj MyProject

And 2nd question:
Does anyone know the console command for showing the FPS, in the UDK it was StatFPS but that doesn’t work anymore.

Thanks in advanced!
All the best

Thanks to Hourences i can sort of solve the question.

1st: It sort of works by just adding the ProjectName right after the editor.exe unfortunately it looks for the .uproject file inside the “EngineInstallLocation/4.0/ProjectName” folder. But as he pointed out, i could simple use the Load most recent Project function located inside the editors preferences under “Loading & Saving”.

Anyway if someone knows the right way to make the editor load a specific project feel free to answer!

2nd: It’s Stat FPS with a space in between.

Responding to this:

“Anyway if someone knows the right way to make the editor load a specific project feel free to answer!”

#Opening Project in UE4 Editor Thru Commandline

You need to include the full path of your engine and the full path of your project .uproject in a shortcut!


Format is

"YourEngineExe -log" "YourProjectFullPath"


"F:\Git473\UnrealEngine-release\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor.exe -log" "C:\JoyMech\JoyMech.uproject"


Paste this into a shortcut on your desktop or anywhere and it will

a. open UE4

b. open UE4 to your specified project

c. open the log as well!


