How to use different DialogueVoices with SoundNodeDialoguePlayer?

I’m curious about the expected usage of SoundNodeDialoguePlayer within a SoundCue.

Ideally I can pick a SoundCue for some dialogue response and feed in which DialogueVoice to use which will then feed into the dialogueplayer node to pick the matching DialogueWave for that DialogueVoice, but I’m not sure how to set that up.

My current use case is I have a SoundCue with X # of SoundNodeDialoguePlayer that I feed into a Random node and a modulator. I’d like to pick a random dialogue response but also pick the same dialogue text response with a different dialogue wave for a different speaker to avoid data duplication.

I’m afraid that isn’t supported but I can see that it would be useful, it would need to be something like the Wave Param node where you could pass the desired voice.

I’d probably suggest that you could do this with blueprints instead of SoundCues. There you could have a way of picking a dialogue wave at random and then pass that along with a voice context to a Play Dialogue node. This might look something like this:

That would work for the simple case, but then I lose all the other sound nodes. I have other situations where I would like delay, sequencing, modulators, etc.

My system is native bark/chatter npc system in C++ so I might look into adding the param functionally on my own end. I’ll say this is answered for now.