Can I apply a specific mesh to a phys material type (or just a material type)?

Basically I want a material, such as grass, to have its own detail mesh that’s automatically applied where the material is. Those of you that have used the Source engine any will know exactly what I mean. Thanks in advance guys.

…that’s not possible as far as I know… however why would you spawn a mesh everytime you add a material?

The other way around (grass mesh with material which you then spawn via a BP in larger amounts) would make more sense wouldn’t it?

Mostly just for automation. Much like a shader that blends materials via slope/height. I had a feeling it would require some CPP work though, I can’t see any way to link mats with blueprints or meshes clearly. Thanks for your answer.

Just found an option under the foliage landscape paint that allows you to limit the foliage meshes to a specific landscape layer. Not sure if it’s a new thing in the preview or if I just overlooked it, but it’s a good option for anyone interested in this type of thing. I’ll look into a way of coding this type of thing using layers instead of materials.