Help with destructible meshes having collision on debris

I’m having some problems with destructible meshes in my game currently. Right now I have a system in place where if you hit a box with an attack, the box takes damage and gets destroyed since it’s a destructible mesh. All of this works completely fine, however, the debris that is created has big collision boxes making it really frustrating to navigate the areas where you have destroyed many boxes.

Basically what I would like to do is disable the collision of the debris once the box has been destroyed. A simple “Set Actor Enable Collision” to false after or before the “Apply Damage” node simply doesn’t work, the debris still has collision. Ideally I would like to make it so the player can just push aside any debris in his way instead of stopping. But actually disabling the collision to walk straight through works as quick fix I guess.

Any ideas on how to do any of these two things? Help would be greatly appreciated!

Do you have access to native code or BP only?

Only BP unfortunetly. Any ideas?

Ideally changing the collision preset via blueprint or adjusting the mass of the pieces so you can push them out of the way would work best in this situation, however I believe both of these have bugs associated with them at the moment that I’ve reported.

Mass I know for sure has some cannot be set at the moment for the DM. I’d have to look into the collision one, but I believe I bugged this or something similar over the holiday break.

I’ll look into this a little more on Monday when I’m back in the office and see if there is a workaround that could work for you for the time being or some other way to do this. That is, of course, unless Pierdek has solutions that may work as well. :slight_smile:


Hi, thanks for the help! However, I managed to find a working solution for me, I changed the “Large Chunk Threshold” to a quite big number so all destructible debris are considered small chunks, meaning they will never block the player and just be pushed aside! :slight_smile:

I’ve gone ahead and marked your solution as the correct answer.