Widget Text Block Value Change?

Hey Community,
I have a Widget Blueprint with a TextBlock in it. This TextBlock should display a String, this String is changing often, but i dont have an idea how to change the value from the graph. Maybe anyone have an example for me? Thanks!

Dunno if I’m late to this party, but I do have an answer. Make sure that the little box up at the top of the variable’s details- next to its name- is checked. It’s almost out of site, it’s called “Is Variable” and has a boolean checkbox next to it. I had to try and figure this one out as well. This will allow you to access it from the graph.

Dunno if I’m late to this party, but I do have an answer. Make sure that the little box up at the top of the variable’s details- next to its name- is checked. It’s almost out of site, it’s called “Is Variable” and has a boolean checkbox next to it. I had to try and figure this one out as well. This will allow you to access it from the graph.