focus to umg and back using keyboard only

Hi - I have a textbox on my UI, my game is WASD controlled - I want the play to pretty return, type in a chat, and press return again to send chat and return control.

The best I can make it is release focus from the textbox but it doesnt quite seem to give control back to my controller - What I’m doing

I have a chat focus method - txtbox->Set Keyboard Focus

in my OnTextCommitted - what do I call that says “ok I’m done, give control back to my controller” - I’ve tried “Set Focus To Game Viewport” - I’ve also tried Set Input Mode Game And UI - also Set Input GAme only - which Semi seems to work but my keys dont get input, I have to reclick on my game for it to work (in the editor/and running my packaged game)

is this a limitation of UMG at the moment?

Also wondering about this. There only seems to be an option to give a widget keyboard focus but no way to release it.

I was actually able to regain keyboard control using Set Input mode game and UI.

I had problems with that - but I’ll try it again, thanks for suggestion - make it an answer so you can get internet points :slight_smile:

Yea, it didn’t work for me first time either. Perhaps I was doing it in the wrong place.