[4.6.1] Crash everywhere except Editor Viewport

Project runs well in PIE but when I try to play it elsewhere (window, mobile, packaging… ) it crashes with a Access Violation.


link text

NOTE: This is a “resolved” crash. I’m posting this for helping other people that face same problem and reporting Engine Bugs. Now this is a silly sentence, but I’m wondering if this crashes we report are marked as solved and ignored when a workaround is found. Because I understand that even that I find where crash occurs and how to fix it, this is not a good behavior for a commercial software. All this crashes are making me a lot of headaches.

See answer bellow

problem was calling console commands from my custom GameInstance blueprint Event Init.

These are console comands:

Solution: Remove it from there, and execute this console commands elsewhere in Begin Play of GameMode class.

Hey piXelicidio,

Thanks for your report! I was able to reproduce this behavior, and have entered a bug report for developers (UE-7647). I will let you know when I see an update on it. For now, your solution of placing these in GameMode is a good workaround.

To answer your question about crash reports: when someone posts a bug on AnswerHub, my team goes through and attempts to reproduce it in house, using as much information as we are able to get, including crash logs and reproduction steps. When we are able to identify cause of crash, we submit a bug report internally. If we are able to enter a bug report or otherwise answer questions on AnswerHub post, we consider post resolved. Until then, posts are not ignored.

We can sometimes miss them if they are marked resolved (green) by original poster, so as long as you don’t do that, we certainly encourage you to find workarounds and posting them here for other users to discover while our developers work on bug. Hope that clears up any confusion!

Hi , good to know because my hope is too see less of this crashes and I willing to help to have a better engine over time :slight_smile: