
when i hit the launch button in the ue4 editor (4.6.1)
i get this error:

RunUAT.bat ERROR: AutomationTool was unable to run successfully.

when i hit F5 in visual studio i got this error:

2>Error: Unable to launch the previously selected debugger. Please choose another.

thanks in advance

Hey -

When you mention the launch button in the editor, are you referring to the engine Launcher when picking the engine version (where the Marketplace is) or are you referring to the launch button in the editor itself (for deploying a project to a device)?

For the Visual Studio error, when you are in VS press the drop down arrow to the left of the solution configuration and choose “Local Windows Debugger.”



for ue4 editor im talking about the launch button to deploy your game on windows or other platform

when i hit the play button the game will run

Hey -

In VS you should be able to set the solution configuration to Development (it’s likely set to Development Editor by default). After doing this you’ll need to compile the VS code and then try packaging again.
