SweepTest problem

I’ve been messing around with Sweep functions today, mainly trying to make SweepTest to work but for some reason it was not. After a while (and many tests), I simply tried using SweepSingle instead, which worked instantly…

In the code below, you can see that both call are the same, with the only exception being that SweepSingle takes a FHitResult param… Is there something I’m missing here about sweep in general or what?

I don’t care what the sweep hits (the reason why I wanted to use SweepTest in the first place) but I’m “forced” using the SweepSingle version of the call, what is the reason?

Thanks in advance!

 UWorld* world = UJotunnMain::Instance->GetWorld();
			FVector camPos = UJotunnMain::Instance->GetCamera()->GetCameraPosition();
			FCollisionQueryParams collisionQueryParam(TEXT("SphereCam"), false);
			FHitResult resultCol;

			if (world->SweepSingle(resultCol, camPos, camPos + FVector(0,0,100), FQuat::Identity, FCollisionShape::MakeSphere(mEnvCollisionRadius), collisionQueryParam, FCollisionObjectQueryParams(ECC_WorldStatic)))
				//It enters here correctly when hitting an actor flagged WorldStatic
				//It enters here correctly when NOT hitting an actor flagged WorldStatic
			if(world->SweepTest(camPos, camPos + FVector(0, 0, 100), FQuat::Identity, FCollisionShape::MakeSphere(mEnvCollisionRadius), collisionQueryParam, FCollisionObjectQueryParams(ECC_WorldStatic)))
				//It nevers enter here
				//Its always here...