Warnings when opening project

These warnings show up in log when I open the projects, anyone has an idea?

LogConsoleResponse:Warning: Skipping Unknown console variable: ‘UIScaleRule = ShortestSide’
LogConsoleResponse:Warning: Found in ini file ‘E:/wizardOnlineMPclone/WizardOnlineMPclone/Saved/Config/Windows/Engine.ini’, in section ‘[/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]’
LogConsoleResponse:Warning: Skipping Unknown console variable: ‘UIScaleCurve = (EditorCurveData=(Keys=),ExternalCurve=None)’
LogConsoleResponse:Warning: Found in ini file ‘E:/wizardOnlineMPclone/WizardOnlineMPclone/Saved/Config/Windows/Engine.ini’, in section ‘[/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]’
LogConsoleManager:Warning: Console variable ‘r.MSAA.CompositingSampleCount’ wasn’t set (Priority ProjectSetting < Scalability)

Well you can read right? There some unknown variables in INI files in /Config directory and one varable that is missing and he expected. But either way those are harmless as engine will ignore unknow varables and use defults for unset once (in this case he pick Scalibility settings in editor)

Well yes I can read, but shouldn’t the error go away when I verify the engine or reinstall