Moving Player Character to Actor

I’m making a point and click adventure game using the first person template. After clicking on the “Go to” button and then clicking on an object, I need the player character to walk to the object. Everything works except I can’t get the player character to move with anything other than “Set Actor Location”. I’ve tried using the other functions such as move to location and move to actor and nothing happens. Are those functions only for ai controlled pawns? Is there anything I can use to make the actor walk to the object? Is there a way to make the player character ai controlled? I have the basic first person movement in place for testing purposes but I am eventually going to remove it.

I found out that I need to add a Nav Mesh Bounds Volume to make Simple Move to Location work but I would still like to know how to temporarily make the player character AI controlled so I can use Move to Location. Any help would be appreciated.

add an aicomponent

Thanks for responding. Would you mind explaining that further?