Show final score at Game over screen?

How’s it going guys fellas?

I’ve been struggling with something I think is really simple but I just can’t make it work. The thing is that I’ve already implemented a scoring system at game screen, are two actor receiving points and it is working just fine, But I want to show the final score at my game over screen, I simply can’t, I placed at the game over level blueprint a “Draw Text” node with “Get HUD” and “Get player controller”, and it actually shows the HUD but at 0.

What can I do? :frowning: Thanks!

Instead of using the draw text, you could always use an editable text box widget.

My example uses four separate text boxes, but you could just use one. Use the “Create Widget” and “Add to Viewport” to make it appear, and then you can just use the “Set Text (Text Box)” node and pass in your score variable. Sadly, I don’t know how to do it using the “Draw Text” node and “Get HUD,” but I find that this is easier and nicer looking anyway.

Here’s a sample of using the Set Text (Text Box) node:


cool! but how can I recall that widget at game over level for the final score? is there some kind of custom event which I can use for showing the final score?

Thank you very much for your reply :slight_smile: