Can I display small viewport with animation playing in development build?


I’d like to display an additional viewport in my game where user could preview given skill (animation). So I want it work just like preview animation thumbnail in editor. When user hovers a button a small window will appear with a looping animation in it.

I’ve got it working in editor by using custom viewport client class

class FMyViewportClient : public FCommonViewportClient, public FViewElementDrawer, public FGCObject

custom viewport widget class - STestViewport and FPreviewScene.

In editor I can display the viewport (draw it propely), add any component to preview scene (skeletal mesh component in this case) and draw these component in viewport.

In game (development build) I can also display viewport and add components but I can no longer visualize any of them. List of components in FPreviewScene contains SkeletalMeshComponent so I know it’s there but it’s just not drawn.

So in FMyViewportClient class in Draw method I create a ViewFamily with FEngineShowFlags(ESFIM_Editor) (i tried ESFIM_Game also but it doesnt work either).

So I want to ask, is there any limiatation of FPreviewScene that makes it not render it’s world correctly in development builds? Or I’m just missing something? Maybe there is a specific set of flags that I need to set on SkelMesh? I know it’s hard to tell without looking into my setup but it’s quite a lot of code so I’m not going to post it right now.

And in general, is it a good idea to use this method to create anim preview feature in game?
