Multi-camera rendering

Hi Unreal Team,

I’d like to create a space game where you can fly around in space looking at your spaceship from the top. If you zoom in a little then you can see the interior of the ship where the crew can move using UE4’s built in pathfinding.
The main problem is that NavMeshBoundsVolume can’t move with the ship so I have to keep the spaceship at the origin.

How can I setup two cameras for rendering? The first one would render everything but the ship. The second one wouldn’t clear the backbuffer and would only render the ship.

I could use any advice what would be the best solution here.

Thank You!

I suggest you split that question into an AI one and rendering one. Otherwise there’s no single person that can address all that you’re asking.



Thanks, I split the question as you suggested.

I have same question too

From what I can tell, UE4 just doesn’t support having multiple scenes active at once. I’m looking into the same thing and if it is possible I’d also like to know.