Accelerating once jumping has begun?

Hi guys,
I’m trying to get the player to accellerate as the player holds down the jump key, so they go up in a curve. Here is the code I’ve tried:

So right now the character can jump a set number of times in a row, and every time they do so an add force is also fired with a while loop. How can I set the while loop tied to the Launch Character node to fire once every second (or whatever time value) once the action chain gets to the while loop? I’ve looked at the event tick, but that fires all the time, and is an event node. How can I start an event tick when the player presses the jump key or something like that?


player presses key, set a bool to true
player releases key, set the bool to false
EventTick, branch on the bool
take everything from that while loop and put it inside the Tick branch.

while loops stall the main thread, so until they are complete, the game cannot continue. everything inside the while loop happens inside of a single frame, and if it takes too long, your game will crash.

also, instead of adding 100 every tick, you should multiply DeltaTime by 100, then add that every tick, because it will keep your logic running at the same speed, no matter what frame rate the game is using.

this might help, although its not exactly what your looking for, its close:

Thanks so much! I totally understand now how to use the tick. Even if this isn’t exactly it I’ll be able to tweak it now that I understand how to do it.

Thank you!