Warnings when replicated Character stands on BP

These warnings pop up continuously while standing on a dynamic BP.

LogNetPlayerMovement:Warning: ClientAdjustPosition_Implementation could not resolve the new relative movement base actor, ignoring server correction!
LogNetPackageMap:Warning: FNetGUIDCache::SupportsObject: StaticMeshComponent /Game/Maps/UEDPIE_2_Test_Map.Test_Map:PersistentLevel.ScenarioProp_3.Prop Mesh NOT Supported.

Any ideas what’s going on? I’ve been stepping through UE4 code but am at a loss.

If I make the BP StaticMesh static and not movable, it gets rid of the first warning. But second one happens continuously.

Seems to be resolved in 4.7 as far as I can tell. I was getting this in 4.5.

Nope, I’m getting the same warnings too.
When I play as a client and stand on a dynamic BP, this warning is spammed and it seems that packets get not send properly since when I jump off the BP sometimes the client gets jerked over a distance to the position the server last got from it.

I’m having this issue in unreal 4.8.2