Somewhat Complex UMG ProgressBar Question


I’m still pretty new to Blueprints, and coding in general, so I’d really appreciate some help with an issue I’ve run into:

So, in my project, I plan to have a progress bar that goes up when you walk up to certain objects and hold a button. I then want players to be able to walk over to another object, hold down a button, and have the progress bar continue from where it was, but as a different color. It’s also important that they’re able to walk back to the first object they interacted with, and interact with it once again and have the original colored section increase while the latter remains the same value, but makes room accordingly. Any ideas?

I’ve tried a few things, such as having several progress bars layered on top of each other, but that doesn’t seem like the most efficient way to do it, and I still had problems with getting the new color to continue where the first left off. Any help is appreciated!