Unreal Crashes when i try to ignore my Player

void APlayThingyCharacter::OnFire()
FVector CameraLoc;
FRotator CameraRot;
GetActorEyesViewPoint(CameraLoc, CameraRot);

	FVector Start = CameraLoc;
	FVector End = CameraLoc + (CameraRot.Vector() * 5000);
	FHitResult hit(ForceInit);
	FCollisionQueryParams params = FCollisionQueryParams(FName(TEXT("params")), true, this);;

	UWorld* world = GetWorld();
	if (world)
		if (world->LineTraceSingle(hit, Start, End,ECC_PhysicsBody, params))
			UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("HIT: %s"), *hit.GetActor()->GetName());

i basicly want to shot a ray and ignore my player. but a soon as i shoot unreal crashes and i have no idea why ! What am iam doing wrong ?