How to fire custom event in MyCharacter from other blueprint?

Hello staff,

I’ve made a platform for the player to stand on (called Healer) which is triggered by OnComponentBeginOverlap, this will call a custom event in the MyCharacter blueprint. I however want to parse through 2 variables: HealingRate and HealingAmount which the custom event in the MyCharacter blueprint can then use so it can set the players health.

I however get the error “This blueprint (self) is not a MyCharacter_C, therefore Target must have a connection”, what do I put in the target? (located in the Healer BP)

Thanks in advance,


You need to take the “Other actor” pin from the BeginOverlap event and cast it to your Character Blueprint. After that, pull the pin from “Return value” of the cast node and search for custom event.

The error you see is just telling you, that the Target Slot needs MyCharacter_C as a parameter. “Self” is refering to the Blueprint you are currently using the Function. So you try to call the function of that Healer Blueprint and Healer doesn’t have this function (custom event). This is why it is asking for the MyCharacter_C.

Thank you so much.