Questions About Destructible Chunks

Hello, I have a couple of questions about how chunks from destructible meshes work in UE4.

Is there any way to have a destructible mesh as the child of a movable pawn, but have the chunks simulate in world space when fractured?

Is there any way to add interactivity to the chunks? Detecting events, removing chunks on hit, overlap, etc.?

Can a destructible mesh only be supported by a static mesh actor?

Any insight is appreciated.

Is there any way to have a
destructible mesh as the child of a
movable pawn, but have the chunks
simulate in world space when

You can set it as the child, but it the chunks will be pulled sometimes by the root component of the DM if they get too far away.

Is there any way to add interactivity
to the chunks? Detecting events,
removing chunks on hit, overlap, etc.?

I don’t know about this specifically, but you can set some of the flags in the DM settings to crumble smallest chunks to remove them from the scene.

Can a destructible mesh only be
supported by a static mesh actor?

It cannot be supported by anything but a static object.