reflections (chrome material) without background

Hi together,

I would like to render my scene with an object made of chrome materials (the materials are nearly standard materials, nothing special, only mettallic and roughness at 1). And I would like to have a result like the preview in the static mesh editor or in the componets tab of the class blue print editor. (Picutre below)

I tried it with the Default Level where the Atmospheric Fog, BP_Sky_Sphere, Light Source (Directional Light) is included and created a simple ground for reflection. I added a “Sphere Reflection Capture” for my chrome object in my scene and enabled “Actor Hiddden In Game” for the BP_Sky_Sphere, Atmospheric Fog and my ground. So I hoped to get the reflection of of the “Sphere Reflection Capture” but the objects are not visible in the rendering. Like in preview of the Unreal editor (picture above).

This is my Szene:

But when I preview the game in the editor, I get no reflections like below.

When I run the mobile preview I get an other result. Here it looks like the “Atmospheric Fog” is reflected but nothing else. There are no clouds and no ground. And if I place an other actor just for reflection (hide him in the details tab), it isn’t seen in the rendering too. See the picture below.

Is there any solution for a result like in the first picture that works on mobile plattforms?

I use the 4.7 egine and built the lightning and also captured the “Sphere Reflection Capture” after every change in the scene. I hope somebody has an idea.

Thx for the help, I mostly get in this great answer hub!

Hey Sven_R -

If what you are going for is more like a product demo or model showcase, I would actual place a cubemap into the material texture itself instead of trying to use the sphere reflection capture actor.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum